
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Green Village in Bali

My friend sent me the most amazing link this morning. Homes made of bamboo! Homes with the most gorgeous views that anyone could ever want. And these homes? They are in Bali.

Visit the website and be prepared to see some truly beautiful designs. I for one am inspired by the entire concept of Green Village, a planned community that is making use of bamboo and all that it has to offer as a building material.

Of course, I had to wonder about bugs, and privacy issues (with all those gorgeous open walls, it could be a bit too open for some tastes). However, it's probably worth the trade offs to have those views!

1 comment:

  1. Green village looks great only when looked at from outside. Living here is more a nightmare than a miracle. We live here in constant noise because of the uncontrolled construction 7 days a week! We dont know why someone would call it green? It is true the houses are made of bamboo, but despite the traditional indonesian way of treating the bamboo with salt water against bugs and insects here it is treated with chemicals to save time… Selective waste collection is not even solved in the houses, there are no separate containers for paper, organic, plastic, glass etc. Developers did not pay any attention to make the place intimate with proper bamboo walls, climbers in between the houses, so we see each other and live together as we would live in a big common living room. You cant use the common pool due to the constant noise in the village, we have no idea what happens to the waste water (goes to straight to Ayung river?)


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